Connecting Meads

Bringing the whole community together, all under one roof

The severn sisters
The severn sisters

Meads (Eastbourne) Community Centre

Let's save our Parish Hall
We cannot see it fall
Let's save our Hall

We'll be victorious
Back safe and glorious
Long to be here for us
Let's save our Hall


Transfer of Meads Parish Hall to Meads (Eastbourne) Community Centre


21st September 2024

The trustees invite the Meads community to a public meeting on Saturday 21st September at 11am in the hall where we will share more information including our progress in securing the grant funding and raising matched funding, details of the planned building works and the improvements the community can look forward to when the hall reopens in February 2025. We look forward to seeing you there!

12th September 2024

The MECC trustees are delighted to announce the historical signing of a lease between St John’s Church and the Meads (Eastbourne) Community Centre. The lease secures the hall for the community for 99 years at a peppercorn rent. It has been a long 18 months of negotiations but we have reached an agreement that benefits the community in time for the building works which will commence in early October. We are also taking the opportunity to rebrand the community hall to “Meads Hall Eastbourne

History of the Hall

As a volunteer and now trustee, I have read and listened to accounts from locals and trawled through hundreds of pages of documents while building up a history of the Parish Hall.

Take a look at the timeline, and browse the documents that shed light on the Parish Hall story. Read about the noble gift, the lost vault box, and the contested ownership.

Will you be as shocked as I was at the events that took place in Meads.

Read it now

Support for MECC

Officials and Organisations

Eastbourne Member of Parliament - Josh Babarinde
Former Eastbourne & Willingdon MP - Caroline Ansell
County Councillor for Meads - Brett Wright
Borough Councillors for Meads - Jane Lamb, Andy Collins
(and our Chairman, cllr Robert Smart)
Eastbourne planning and conservation officers
The Compton Estate
Meads Community Association
The Eastbourne Society
Meads Village Allotments
Friends of Meads Parks and Gardens
St Johns Bowling Club
Meads Women's Institute

Funding and Grant bodies

Community Ownership Fund
The John Jackson Charitable Trust
The Williams Trust
Eastbourne Borough Council (devolved budget)

Local residents

Over 850 signatures to an online petition run in 2023
Packed Hall for public meeting and fundraising events
Cash donations and pledges made

Hall users

Bees Knees Dog Training
Eastbourne Barn Dancing
Eastbourne Silver Band
Meads Art Circle
Seven Sisters Camera Club
Monday Lunch Club and Coffee Pot volunteers
(Plus groups wishing to use the hall under new management)

Meads traders

Including the following who have actively helped so far:
The Ship public house
Chapman Wine Merchants
McGregor Lettings

About Us

We are a charity formed with the aspiration of acquiring and operating a community centre for the benefit of the people of Meads, Eastbourne

Our target venue is St. John's Parish Hall, which after nearly a hundred years of community service is in a poor state of repair. Coupled with the PCC of St. John's wish to dispose of the hall (announced at the end of 2022), we could both save this iconic community asset and provide Meads with a welcoming, inclusive, and up-to-date community centre, with similar purposes to those envisioned when built in the early 20th century.

The site was originally gifted to the community by the Duke of Devonshire in the 19th century, for use as a school. Since that school moved to larger premises, the original building was used as a Parish Room. The current hall, built in the early 20th Century, was for continuing that same function, within a larger footprint, after the original became dilapidated.

Happy Users

Love the community events at Meads Community Centre!

The classes offered are top-notch. Highly recommend!

The facilities are well-maintained and perfect for any event.

Meads Community Centre has become the heart of our neighbourhood.

our vision

We never though we could afford it, but they welcomed us in.

What we want to hear - not what is said now

Contact Us



Not available yet - please email

See the venue


77 Meads Road, Eastbourne,
BN20 7QL
Not for post

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm