Ugent works Dec '23

Volunteers Make Parish Hall Safe to Reopen

Locals volunteered their skills and time to return St. John's Parish Hall into a safe state for it's users to return, after the Hall was closed on 24th November 2023 due to a number of health and safety concerns.

Newspaper clipping from Eastbourne Herald on December 8th 2023
Newspaper clipping from Eastbourne Herald on December 8th 2023

What was done

Over the course of a fortnight, volunteers installed protection against falling timber, tiles, and stonework, both inside and outside the hall. Under the supervision of a local, qualified electrician, also a volunteer, they installed smoke, fire, heat, and carbon monoxide detectors, along with fire alarm buttons, fire exit signs, and emergency lighting.

The crash deck in front of the west porch, which protects users from falling timber and tiles
The crash deck in front of the west porch, which protects users from falling timber and tiles

The volunteers

The work was only possible with the help of volunteers, electrician Don, Tom, Robert, Roy, Ian, Kirstie, David, and helping to manage the work, Mitch, a M(E)CC trustee.

The boarded up west porch window adorned with the names of those who volunteered
The boarded up west porch window adorned with the names of those who volunteered
Newspaper clipping from Eastbourne Herald, 29th December 2023
Newspaper clipping from Eastbourne Herald, 29th December 2023

Community interest

The local community and press were interested throughout and progress was followed on the Save Meads Parish Hall Facebook page.